May 12th..THIS FRIDAY....

Not if we bring da fun 2 u.


leaving now to go downtown…you all better show;)

were leaving in a few, word em up yo! Let booze it up

you guys are fags…I like that!

should be there shortly

I was down there, and didnt see anyone!!! Did you leave Liars?!

hmmph! Oh well, Happy Birthday to you Akvile! Sorry I didn’t get to say it in person! I tried!!! :slight_smile:

well we were there the whole time…fun times until Akvile puked all over the street and my car :frowning: big thanks to Ken for helping us get her home. She def. got the typical 21st birthday…thanks everyone for coming out :slight_smile: tons of fun!!

:word: good times tonight, haha. akvile sure had a blast :D. hopefully andrea can get her car clean though…good so see so many people out tonight! now its time for bed though, have to be at work by 8:30 :bloated:

ALOT of nyspeeders out tonight. :tup:

Uh yeah. :slight_smile: Needless to say wifey was completely annihilated by like 1am. It was a wicked night, thanks to everyone for coming out!

“So babe you feelin it yet??”

“No I am fine I dont even have a buzz”

1 hour later

" OMG so wasted gkhrguhrivnnsldjfhrug!!! :smiley: "

me : lol


I am so tanked right now ugh great night everyone thanks for coming out for ak’s bday :slight_smile:

Ak you are gonna have a long day tomorrow hahhaahah :slight_smile: Love you hun, happy 21st!!! I told you I would hook you up :slight_smile: And hook you up hubby did :wink:

Start posting up some pictures plz everyone :slight_smile:

thats cause you bailed on us before we went to liars. you werent in there as far as i know!!! PS: korey is still in my bathroom throwing up!

sorry i couldent make it. im glad everyone had a great time. FOX made me get up @ 7am to go to some car bidnass with him and i think hes still passed out drunk:lol:


I have some funny pictures! They will be up later – i have to go to work!

When I left at about midnight I had a feeling it was around the corner. “I’m fine” with a glazed over look in her eye LOL



Lol…Brownie Puke FTW bahahahahahaha…We said it would happen.

Thanks to Mike for picking me up and getting me out…it was great to see everyone again :tup:

I got shitfaced…I need to put a post it on my mirror that says eat something of substance before you go out boozin…not mcDonalds at 2pm and call it a day.

Good times :tup: x 100

good times made an appearence … carried Akvile for a bit then got carried out myself … :lol: intresting … except i’m just getting home now

im still a lil drunk…

thank you soOo incredibly much everyone for coming out! you guys are all such great friends…i had a blast and hope you all did as well.

im hurting today…ughhhhhh…lol pics later :stuck_out_tongue:

i woke up this morning at 7am…felt great…until now, the hangover is setting in…ughhh… i thought i remembered everything but i apparantly dont even remember leaving… i thought i didnt puke cuz i felt great today…but my short lived proudness of not getting sick ended when andrea told me i did in her car …and i tried to out the window but her back windows only roll down half way and i cracked my lip and gave myself a fat lip on her window…damnit…

:lol: good times… :tup:
thank you everyone!!! :smiley:

you were there?
i thought only greg and ange were…damnit you have pics…crap… :frowning: :tdown:

oh shit…you are alive :lol:

here are some of the pics i took! good times! :stuck_out_tongue:
Helidrop(danielle) and I
the first ones there
myself, steph, ange, andrea
the girls and i (me, steph, ange, andrea, jessica)
hubby! hahaha,… 87foxgt mikey and i
bladez(ken) and i…the shirt rocked, haha
the shocker= 21 woO!
rockin out!
andrea and ken
the polock and the puta
LLAMA time!
lots of fun in this pic, lol
mike wants to hold skunks nuts i think…lol
more rockin out…lol
jess and andrea
joe and myself…and the cowboy hat
como se llama!? …juan you caliente cowboy!
andrea and myself
what a fun night!

thanks again everyone! <3

rofl me with cowboy hat :lol:

lol i look/pose retarded in some of those pics as usual :lol:

LOL @ the skunk’s nuts pic :tup:

Good times :tup: x 58729852 Uh yeah Ak you were doing alright for a while, then all of a sudden I see you after talking to other people for a while and you were just wasted lol. Guess your plan of just shots didnt work out too well after all lol :smiley:

BTW anyone know if bladez took that one hot chick home? or maybe he took dozr instead? :biglaugh: