***MAY 1ST Saratoga state park GRILL N CHILL***

Im not sure, Deadbeat will prolly chime in soon and find something for ya to bring.

ok cool

there is a list, everything is filled but think of something that u can contribute. im sure we can take extra things.

E, can I go in on buying the burgers with you, sir?

if u want. not sure how thats going to work unless u just want to buy a couple more lbs. make sure u make them all b4 the day of. and do not!!! i repete do not get any kind of premade burger!!!

ps: by “make” i mean make them all into patties and put wax paper between each one.

I want pepper jack cheese on mine

correction, IN yours.

and none of that shit. too time consuming.

Will you be having turkey burgers or turkey hot dogs?

how about i come over and help you with making them and buying them the day before?

You did what to Pete? I hope he’s ok:Idiots

i re-peted him. duh! :rofl

this is gonna be great! i cant wait

Schedule is still crazy on the weekend, I may be attending chill and grillz. Would enjoy the sargente’s bonfire after.

This is never going to happen.

either is you getting down to 220lbs.

I think I put him on like 2900kcal on training days, and 2600kcal on off days. It’s just up to him to stick to it…

He does not give me weekly reports like he said he would, fuck, he has not even given me one:Idiots




If I make cookies and this doesn’t happen I will be PISSED!