***MAY 1ST Saratoga state park GRILL N CHILL***

hehe i love pissing her off!!! <3 <3

i want to go, still

im still in



Hamburgers- Deadbeatrec 10lbs 85% ground beef

pasta salad-(3lbs+) psi2high + johawk

potato salad-(3lbs+) gatville

hot dogs-(32+) psi2high

chips-(5+bags) germanpsi

hot dog buns-(32+) bigred

hamburger buns-(32+) alpineskiier

cookies- Wayne and Tracey

brownies- Sully

sodas-(diet, reg, purple, etc) Stallmer + johawk

waters- Stallmer

plastic/paper plates- benny

cups- benny

forks, knifes, spoons- benny


cooking utensils-(grill brush and grilling spatachula) srsbzns

big spoons for salads- srsbzns

garbage bags- K20

2 bags of pre soaked charcoal- K20

condiments - mcflury

Nom nom nom!

ill be hittin up PC or hannaford today on the way home from work

Wait so what time is errybody goin?

Never, because this isn’t going to happen.

First page says it starts a noon.

FML Cobra will not be present

da fuck dood

Your kidding!!! :banghead

Did you give them the story?

lol nah i just told em it was my daily and now i’m in a fucking chevy aveo rental car :rofl :rofl :rofl

that sucks! Dave will have his there that lieing fuck!

he didn’t sell it?

Still sitting in his garage… :ninja

lol high school rumors are so badass!

lol ^Not a rumor… I saw it.

I heard this got canceled or something