***MAY 1ST Saratoga state park GRILL N CHILL***

I will prolly go.

ok cool. bring CP

good thing i made money today or i wouldn’t of been able to afford it…lol.

Hamburgers- Deadbeatrec 10lbs 85% ground beef 100%

pasta salad-(3lbs+) psi2high + johawk 100%

potato salad-(3lbs+) gatville 100%

hot dogs-(32+) psi2high 100%

[COLOR=black]chips-(5+bags) code blue 5 bags. 100%[/COLOR]

hot dog buns-(32+) bigred

hamburger buns-(32+) Adam AKA 94GT5.0 100%

cookies- Wayne and Tracey 100% in

brownies- Sully 100%

sodas-(diet, reg, purple, etc) Stallmer + johawk 100%

waters- Stallmer 100%

plastic/paper plates- matt maguire 100%

cups- Matt Maguire 100%

forks, knifes, spoons- matt maguire 100%

napkins-mcflury 100%

cooking utensils-(grill brush and grilling spatachula) srsbzns

big spoons for salads- srsbzns

garbage bags- 99frc 100%

2 bags of pre soaked charcoal- Hatfield 100%
condiments - mcflury 100%

Yes going to be awsomeness all around

i just jumped to this page, E- is there anything else you need or just throw you a few bucks?

Is anyone bringing their womenz to this event?

Mine is coming with her stupid little froo froo dog.

watch for me punting it

Puppy Kicker! :thumbup

TracEy, I like where you are going with this!!! :thumbup:thumbup:thumbup :rofl:rofl


football anybody?!?!?!?!? :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

i’m bringing my football, along with horse shoes.

Bring some chips, can never have enough chips! :lol

Stallmer and 100% should NEVER be put together

^lmao, true.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

stop following me via other ppls iphones

OHH FUCK YEAH to horseshoes

if we’re gonna be on the same team, let me know which color flannel to bring!!! :thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup lol srs though should i bring flags and the football?

i think that would be a great idea, anybody can play flag football