May 24...well...May 1-8!

I dunno, don’t really care either. Had a wicked time.

Stared at a shiny rock for 45 minutes :smiley:

Well i thought stars were fire works going off, and anything you drink tastes like water, so careful if you have a bottle of whisky beside you, because i wasnt

fuck, I want to try them badly but swelling of the brain is not what i am into.
It just doesn’t make sense to me why something that you ingest would make your brain bleed and or swell

Honestly man, do it, its awesome, just because and dont chew to much :stuck_out_tongue:

Zooms aren’t bad for you. It’s just like food poisoning, except way better. Everything in moderation. for best results, don’t eat too much at a time and do them twice a year max, otherwise they just aren’t the same.

EXACTLY!!! Educated_idiot said it perfectly. I do it once a year. Although. I smoothie up 7g’s. Then munch the rest…about 11g’s to each person. Was awesome.

Be sure to get zoomz off someone you know and trust though. I had some nasty ass waste of timers. Some bad buzzers. Some ZOOOOOM ZOOOOOM ZOOOOM zoomers.

To explain the trip, you just really can’t. You need to do it on your own.

NO down side minus you will feel like shit. It is food poisoning. My gut hurts and farts smell RANCID. Bodily functions such as pissing and shitting…become, just weird on zoomz.
