May 6th Meet (Who's Coming)?

Ok guys… Weather permitting I would like to see allot of you guys out. I would like to do it after the n-e-c-c meet but they haven’t posted anything about it yet. So post up and let me know if you’re coming out. Lets have a good showing of FWD cars. Also I will be there doing some shots.

I’ll be there…

i should be there, i have had sudden falling in love with my alti phase again

I’ll be there.


I might show up, if i can remember about it.

Gotta show off my new nismo suspension 8)

i would go, but im waiting on my schedule for my new job which ill get may 2nd.
so ill see…

il be there.
and if i get my Bee*R Rev Limiter installed, there might be the option of roasting hot dogs off my exhaust :E

It’s better than the pop can in Pyrexx’s muffler

I’d love to but I’ll probably still be stuck here in the middle of Turkmenistan. :?

y Turkmenistan?

u speak mozer ruzzian?

i’ll be there if im not gone on practicum at that time

i’m there

y Turkmenistan?

u speak mozer ruzzian?[/quote]

Ja ne gaveril par Angliski.

j/k Only a bit. Doing a plant start up in the middle of this hellhole. The only good thing about it is that the hardship pay finances my mods. I wanna show off my Nismo suspension too! Thank God for satellite internet connection too, otherwise I’d go crazy!

i’ll be there for sure

I’ll be there. Maybe could someone bug one of the admins to get an official May 6th meet thread going in Upcoming Events so we can get as many people as possible?

haha there isnt even a thread? lol i guess they just assume everyone alread knows its the first sunday of every month.
when i get my schedule on tuesday ill let you know if im commin.

is there anyone who can bring me some necc stickers?

Sorry Terry you can’t come… :E As for the official announcement. I can never wait for these guys… You will notice the FWD guys like to get together a lot more.

Where’s the meet?

I’ll try and make it out!