Mcgahee Traded


coles and brennans will offer a $20 gift card for ur jersey


oh yeah? so like 3 beers for my jersey. its pink. hrm

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:18,topic:25607"”]

your right, tasker was just lying… :lol:

anyways, what that mcgahee did this year impressed you? he looked like an average runner to me. A train played with 10x more heart and broke way more tackles than mcgahee, proportionate to time played. if mcgahee put half the mental effort into his game to take advantage of his physical talent, he’d be a star. unfortunately he doesnt. fuck him


I never said he was impressive. I just said if the numbers he put up were without paying attention, imagine what would happen if he had a good line and did? If the Bills were smart, they wouldn’t trade him. They would have told him “Look Hee, this is your contract year. Produce, and we’ll give you a big payday or let you go to free agency without having to worry about the franchise tag”. What kind of numbers do you think a MOTIVATED McGahee could put up? :uhh: Are you really gonna sit there and tell me McGahee had bad production while here?

And yes, I think Tasker is overstating things. How do I know? I talk to 5 or 6 Bills every Friday during the season at my barbershop. :wink: So yeah, I’ll dispute that rumor. Everybody’s panties are in a bunch since McGahee did that Playboy interview. Think about it though, did he really say anything bad? Seriously, didn’t go to practice? What NFL team lets you skip practice? :roll:

Dude may make babies, but I don’t see him getting arrested, or having run-ins with the law. Contrary to popular belief, he gets along quite well with his teammates. When has he not produced when given enough carries?

And what’s the deal with A-train? I think he’s a good back, but it seems like the Bills didn’t want to keep him :shrug: so now you are either signing an over the hill Corey Dillon, or an injury prone Chris Henry who can’t keep his hips down… how is this an improvement?

I dont know whats up with A-train, I think he should be re-signed, but they could have traded mcgahee for a cup of coffee and I’d say it was a steal. He is garbage, was garbage, and always will be garbage. I hate people with mediocre game and no heart that think they are the best RB in the game. We should have signed T. Henry before the broncos got to him, that would have been the best turn around ever.

i dont know who we sign really. i dont know whos available and what not. i just think he was a cancer to the team… maybe he would have stepped up this last year, but i doubt much. it was evident he didnt want to be here, and he didn’t believe in the team.

its not like im holding my breath on the bills. thats what the sabres are for now. dont get me wrong, i love the bills, and ive been going to all the games since i was young, but its just not something i want to get my hopes up for until they ACTUALLY seem like a solid team. my expectations arent high for this year, although i do think we are making improvements. a big one being in losmans development. i hope he shapes into a good qb

his numbers sucked this year there were backs who spit time that were better and yea his numbers did suck through the whole time he was in buffalo high 3’s ypc thats not very good if you dont know that could never score any touchdowns at all and two thirds and a seventh is great for us hell even the edge and shawn alexander couldnt get a second for them

was that in english?

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:24,topic:25607"”]

it was evident he didnt want to be here, and he didn’t believe in the team.


Can you blame him? :slight_smile: Look at what the Bills have done since Butler left for San Diego! Would you have faith in ths organization based on recent moves? Look at the fucked up coaching situation, how they dismantled your once promising defense, etc. etc.


his numbers sucked this year there were backs who spit time that were better and yea his numbers did suck through the whole time he was in buffalo high 3’s ypc thats not very good if you dont know that could never score any touchdowns at all and two thirds and a seventh is great for us hell even the edge and shawn alexander couldnt get a second for them


Yeah there were backs who split time that had better numbers, but those backs had offensive lines :bloated: Put a line in front of him, and he’s over 4 ypc :bloated:

I wouldn’t be as harsh on the Bills if A-train was still here, because I think A-train is a quality back but they didn’t keep him. Do they really think they are going to sign Rhodes for less money than Macgahee? Trading Magahee was dumb, and then they don’t even get a second rounder for him? :wtf:

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:23,topic:25607"”]

I dont know whats up with A-train, I think he should be re-signed, but they could have traded mcgahee for a cup of coffee and I’d say it was a steal. He is garbage, was garbage, and always will be garbage. I hate people with mediocre game and no heart that think they are the best RB in the game. We should have signed T. Henry before the broncos got to him, that would have been the best turn around ever.


I wish I was on the barf so I could search the site and see how many people humped how bad Henry was vs McGaheeeee

mcgahee is never going to be an “elite” back imho, like he likes to say he is. i just don’t see it… i think we got a good amount of pick’s for him, and they made the right decision. fwiw i didn’t want them to get rid of henry cause he runs alot harder than willis ever did


I wish I was on the barf so I could search the site and see how many people humped how bad Henry was vs McGaheeeee


Just a sampling from the old thread the day Henry was traded…

About fucking time!!!

good riddance.

thank god. i never liked the bastard when he played for us.


I wish I was on the barf so I could search the site and see how many people humped how bad Henry was vs McGaheeeee


in marks defense, he has always hated mcgahee lol

Henry was/is a better back than McGahee…

McGahee was not a blue collar type player and thats all this town wants is someone to carry the rock…get in the end zone…and keep out of trouble and quietly go about their business.

Dillon would be the worst move ever…worse than Tod Collins…He is washed up and cannot hack it…I need to watch the combine and see if there are any strong backs in the first round of the draft to snag.

Good Riddance Willis

Marshawn Lynch


how many people humped how bad Henry was vs McGaheeeee


word, that mistake just keeps rolling downhill :lol: I wonder what I said in that thread…


in marks defense, he has always hated mcgahee lol


:word: I was just about to say that. The only bandwagon Ive been on since day 1 is the “Henry > Mcgahee” train. I loathed wasting a 1st rounder on him, I was only mildly pleased at the idea of having him as a decent backup, and I was heated when Henry was run out of town. He ran for ~150 on a broken ankle with a broken rib, he had way more talent/heart than mcgahee.

If you ever watched a bills game, mcgahee would be non existant the entire game, with no important plays, no TDs, no hard fought 3rd down runs…then when we were behind and they were expecting pass, he would get a few 15 yard runs and somehow get to a 100 yard game. He had no influence in helping us win. :banghead: :bump: :gtfo:

ok I feel better now :slight_smile:

Rick + Howie ( and any other jets fans )

The only reason willis had decent numbers throughout his seasons in buffalo were because of the oddly outstanding games he would always have against the Jets. If you excluded those freak games ( he only had 2 a year :stuck_out_tongue: ) and averaged the rest, he was a sub-par runner.

A Train is NOT the future though.

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:35,topic:25607"”]

:word: I was just about to say that. The only bandwagon Ive been on since day 1 is the “Henry > Mcgahee” train. I loathed wasting a 1st rounder on him

ok I feel better now :slight_smile:


Yes, I remember that. Some of us were taking bets on whether you’d drive by 1 Bills drive and set a nitrous bottle on fire in the practice facility :slight_smile:


Yes, I remember that. Some of us were taking bets on whether you’d drive by 1 Bills drive and set a nitrous bottle on fire in the practice facility :slight_smile:


:lol: I was mad, but by the time Id drive all the way to OP, the bottle would have been emptied :wink:


Im the best running back ever… fuck him he did shit after each play he was winded.