whatcha talkin' bout Willis

Surprised no one has posted this yet:


No wonder he wants a big contract extension. Child support payments ain’t cheap.

Score More TouchDowns…Shut Your Mouth = Fans Embracing You

he’s horrible and over confident for what his skills show…

MUCH rather have beast t.henry

That was one of the biggest mistakes the Bills ever made. Granted McGahee is good, but imagine what they could have spent that first round pick on if they had just kept Travis Henry?

You guys could sure use a LB or 3 right about now. DBs too. And we wont start on the OL.

willis = overrated

1000 yds rushing nowadays isn’t hard for a good back, and he couldn’t even manage that

willis and his 3 kids combined wont be worthy to hold LT’s jock

The writer of that article is my cousin, Nick. :slight_smile: (First cousin, not some far off distant cousin.)

Nick and I went to grammar school and high school together.

Funny to hear his voice doing interviews on the radio.

Good for him.

So which one of you horndogs subscribe to Penthouse? Post the McGahee article.