Me vs Larry (for fun)

Also wanted to check out the quality of youtube uploads. Not bad, but looks significantly better right on the computer. Anyway, I toyed with him until he got out a little…you can clearly hear my gate open@the 20 second mark

And for those that don’t know, he’s about a ~108 car now

with a car like thatyou need to face the camera behind you

Were you all out ?

Low boost (660whp), obviously shifting slow and not taking it to redline

Wish you had the first few runs I had with him lol. I might be up in a few weeks to take out docks… might be able to get quality runs without my car being stupid, It seems like he’ll have the advantage this time.

Agreed, this wasent planned out or anything but we will do one of those for fun

That car has got to be a blast all out lol

I rarely turn it up, ‘low’ boost is more than enough for the roads around here

Yeah i could imagine