anyone up for meeting around robinson or imperial tonight at say 9-ish???

im gonna be goin out to compusa in the T/A, if you get enough people, i’ll stop somewhere.

Pending BBK fitment tonight, I will be around.

hey i am all game to meet up, i am not familiar with the area so i dont know where we could mee tup and not ahve the cops kick us out or a parkinglot. so suggestions?

strip had a decent turnout tonight maybe 30+ cars all night, oh yea -1 for burnyyds broke down toyota :wink:

what broke this time

i would have been down, but ill be down at thunder in the burgh.

i drove burnyd home i got home at like 2:30 woke up for work at 5:30 hey i know whos AAA if i need a lift every.

hrm, where does everyone go down there? if anyone is out late i might head out since ill be in washpa

line to the fuel filter happened to break. Spilling feul everywhere.


i work in the plaza where media play in robinson used to be at the BASEBALL training academy. im getting out of work at 9 so im down for a meet. youll see my car in the parking lot :):slight_smile:

Mad Mex 22oz maragritas sound good? ahahah


:rofl: :rofl:

why didnt u add a match?

its getting sold on ebay this week.

so sell it well done

hrrrrmmmm maybe?

Right on smallman street.