Messed around with my 50mm f1.8 today...

Had a 2011 G25x loaner while mine was in for service and decided to snap some pics…and then when I got mine back.

I love the last one.
Its a fun lens for the price, isn’t it :wink:

Yeah, last one is my favorite too.

Absolutely. $100. Can’t beat it.

last pic is sweeeeet

See through and the last of the black one are baller. Nice.

Thanks guys.

Last one is probably the best picture I ever took.

Cars look nice, good pics. I just absolutely HATE how the shitty plates totally ruin the look of the cars.

I actually don’t think they look too bad.

I cant even look at em on my car.


oh man, they are just awful, remind me to get some macros of em. i feel like im being used, cuz m not getting paid to put em on my car. Nissan puts so much effort into designing their cars to be nice looking and then NY makes us hang THIS shit on em. ugh. just disrespectful.

Welcome to NY. Go see the video section and the video titled “Hazel for Governor?”. :lol

I really like the composition of the first black shot. Good work man.


Nice! You’re getting pretty good with the camera.

thats why i dont rock front plates, they suck

Its a fucking license plate, not a parasail hanging off the back of the car.

Nice pics man! I love my 50 1.8.

And DON’T load it up with a bunch of bull SHIT!


Me too. Eventually I’ll upgrade to the 1.4, but for now this’ll do.