MGQ 301? anybody studying for stats midterm ?

I know people are TRYING to study?

im stumped on a couple questions, if anybody wants to study… im gettin hungry too… im in capen

it is open notes, open book, just make sure you took good notes then make a reference table to which kind of problem it was and where it is in your notes… gl

well that was a swift kick in the nuts for me, I have watched every lecture, and taken notes on every example he has done in class, and understood a lot of it. I screwed the pooch hard on this one, I may have to take an incomplete which I have never done before, what a waste of time. I should of looked to what was on the test before I sat down like everyone else.

I FEEL THE SAME WAY… i didnt know a single question… i had the gray form… btw

meh…not as bad as i was expecting…i had the salmon/orange form and i solidly answered almaost 2/3 completely

hahaha I had the gray one also… ballssss

you can bomb the midterm and do ok on the final and still get a decent grade…its not that bad :slight_smile:

is anyone who just posted an accounting major?

wow i remember that class… damn who is teaching it these days?

prolly the same dinosaur… boot. is his name

Boot is still teaching it afaik.

All you MGQ kids are missing out… i think this has been talked about many times on this forum/ubrf over the years…

but get the fucking stats bible. It’s a collection of all boots exams over the last 10+ years. It’s a huge photocopied collection of questions. The numbers arent the same, but he always repeats the questions from somewhere. You can skip every single class, take the bible into the midterm and final and get an A on both. I passed mine down a long time ago… maybe redrum has his, if he ever had one. Everyone I know also passed theirs down too…

good luck finding it

boot ahahahah

he was insane! so funny to hear him lecture. krystofiak (sp?) who teaches the MBA stats classes is also out of his mind.

sooooo about this biblee???

I would like this “bible”

ditto… ill be makin copies for friends if i can get this… btw… im prolly down a solid “30%” (the entire exam) in the class now… i hope gray version H gets a 25 pt curve… ughhh

I don’t know if this is the similar to the “bible” being talked about, but there are like 10 old exams posted on ublearns, I printed out and brought all of them, they were useless to me. You just have to find in the book where the question is from, and figure it out. Better yet, just have practice doing the examples he does in class.

I had the blue version, I didn’t study at all, never went to class/watched the lectures/read the book, but it seemed similar to mgq201 stuff from last year. I got 1.5 out of 3 right I think. It doesn’t matter if you even failed this test, don’t think about taking an incomplete. The grading isn’t that hard. He stated that 25% of the class gets an A, 50% a B or higher, and only the bottom 25% gets worse than a B. If you got one full question right out of the three, you can still get a B. Or something like that…

Boot is funny…he called me and left a voicemail returning my request for a makeup because my car broke down and I was stuck out of town. He pretty much exactly said: (funny boot accent, speaking very fast) “You called about a makeup?! The answer is NO!! BYE!!” lol…



Boot is such a weiner of a professor. If you argue with him and he has nothing to rebuttle with, he asks in his retarded way “Are you STUPID?” I took Q301 last year in the Fall, hella easy but randomly dumb class. I learned nothing beyond the fact that Excel can do anything you need it to do for Stats.

anybody who took the class have the old finals saved on their harddrive?

Who took the final, how was it? I’m taking it Sunday, any advice?