Michael Blanyer

Great delivery driver, horrible thread maker.

this thread sucks.

I don’t remember asking you a god damned thing.

I dont rememer this being a PM

I dont remember you being around when I invented PM’s.

I dont remember caring that you invented them.

I don’t remember caring if you cared.

I dont remember this thread being useful

I don’t remember whether I believe you actually possess any sort of genitalia.

I dont remember this picture being an appropriate picture for a straight male to post on a message board full of men.

I don’t remember ever posting this picture on a message board full of men. I do remember who did post it. The kid that owns the message board full of men. And he’s getting married so I guess your theory is really fucked.

I dont remember you actually being ashamed of it end up on a message board full of men.

Just for the record, he does…and it’s very nice :bj:

this thread sucks. but it stays for the night.

Michael Blanyer should post pictures of the ex amanda. I still remember her tub picture.
wow she was a hottie.

Troll Troll Troll my boat

troll nonsexywhite vag and dredge up old seaman. no river needed

Michael Blanyer should bring me my FUCKING PIZZA!!!