Micky-D Monopoly

good luck

The odds are against you! Approximately 557,111,800 total Game Pieces are available throughout the world.

Instant Win $1 million - 1 in 557,111,800 - chances are 0.0000000179% - One (1) Instant Giveaway Prize is available. The Instant Giveaway Prize consists of a one million dollar ($1,000,000) annuity payable as $50,000 per year over 20 years with no interest.

Instant Win food prizes - 1 in 6 - 17% - The odds of winning a McDonald’s Food Prize over the course of the Game are approximately 1 in 6.

Instant Win $50 - 1 in 74,282 - Seven thousand five hundred (7,500) prizes are available. Each winner will receive a check in the amount of fifty dollars ($50). Odds of winning approximately 1 in 74,282.

Instant Win $50 Arch Card®. - 1 in 222,845 - Two thousand five hundred (2,500) prizes are available. Each winner will receive a fifty dollar ($50) McDonald’s Arch Card. Odds of winning approximately 1 in 222,845.

Instant Win $25,000 - 1 in 111,422,360 - Five (5) prizes are available. Each winner will receive a check in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000). Odds of winning approximately 1 in 111,422,360.

$50 Purple Stamps - Mediterranean Avenue (Stamp #801) & Baltic Avenue (Stamp #802) - 1 in 33,616 - Fifteen thousand (15,000) prizes are available. Each winner will receive a check in the amount of fifty dollars ($50). Odds of winning approximately 1 in 33,616.

$100 Railroad Stamps - Reading Railroad (Stamp #823), Pennsylvania Railroad (Stamp #824), B&O Railroad (Stamp #825) & Short Line (Stamp #826) - 1 in 2,094,076 - One thousand five hundred (1,500) prizes are available. Each winner will receive a check in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100). Odds of winning approximately 1 in 2,094,076.

$500 Light Blue Stamps - Oriental Avenue (Stamp #803), Vermont Avenue (Stamp #804) & Connecticut Avenue (Stamp #805) - 1 in 33,752,584 - Two hundred fifty (250) prizes are available. Each winner will receive a check in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500). Odds of winning approximately 1 in 33,752,584.

$1000 Maroon Stamps - St. Charles Place (Stamp #806), States Avenue (Stamp #807), & Virginia Avenue (Stamp #808) - 1 in 33,752,584 - Two hundred fifty (250) prizes are available. Each winner will receive a check in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000). Odds of winning approximately 1 in 33,752,584.

$5000 Orange Stamps - St. James Place (Stamp #809), Tennessee Avenue (Stamp #810), & New York Ave (Stamp #811) - 1 in 168,762,143 - Fifty (50) prizes are available. Each winner will receive a check in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000). Odds of winning approximately 1 in 168,762,143.

$10000 Red Stamps - Kentucky Avenue (Stamp #812), Indiana Avenue (Stamp #813) & Illinois Avenue (Stamp #814) - 1 in 56,069,351 - Thirty (30) prizes are available. Each winner will receive a check in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000). Odds of winning approximately 1 in 56,069,351.

$25000 Yellow Stamps - Atlantic Avenue (Stamp #815), Ventnor Avenue (Stamp #816) & Marvin Gardens (Stamp #817) - 1 in 186,829,657 - Five (5) prizes are available. Each winner will receive a check in the amount of twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000). Odds of winning approximately 1 in 186,829,657.

$50000 Green Stamps - Pacific Avenue (Stamp #818), North Carolina Avenue (Stamp #819) & Pennsylvania Avenue (Stamp #820) - 1 in 186,829,657 - Five (5) prizes are available. Each winner will receive a check in the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). Odds of winning approximately 1 in 186,829,657.

$1 Million Blue Stamps - Park Place (Stamp #821) & Boardwalk (Stamp #822) - 1 in 184,698,474 - Three (3) prizes are available over the course of the entire Game, seeded one (1) per week beginning in the second week in accordance with the following schedule: Week # 2 - 10/9/07 to 10/15/07; Week #3 - 10/16/07 to 10/22/07; and Week #4 - 10/23/07 to 10/29/07. If game piece supplies run short such that the Game may end prior to the planned end date for the In-Store Game (10/29/07), the weekly schedule may be subject to a corresponding adjustment. Each winner will receive a one million dollar ($1,000,000) annuity payable as $50,000 per year over 20 years with no interest. Odds of winning approximately 1 in 184,698,474.

$250 Foot Locker Gift Card - Sixty (60) prizes are available. Each winner will receive a two hundred fifty dollar ($250) Foot Locker Gift Card. Odds of winning are approximately 1 in 1,436,253.

$500 Toys"R"Us Gift Card - Sixty (60) prizes are available. Each winner will receive a five hundred dollar ($500) Toys"R"Us Gift Card. Odds of winning approximately 1 in 1,436,253.

$1 Toys"R"Us Buck - Forty million (40,000,000) $1 Toys"R"Us Bucks are available. Odds of collecting are approximately 1 in 2.

$3 Toys"R"Us Buck - Three million (3,000,000) $3 Toys"R"Us Bucks are available. Odds of collecting are approximately 1 in 29.

$5 Toys"R"Us Buck - Two million (2,000,000) $5 Toys"R"Us Bucks are available. Odds of collecting are approximately 1 in 43.

Foot Locker 10% Discount - Eighteen million four hundred forty thousand (18,440,000) 10% discount offers are available. Each offer is good for 10% off the total cost of all items included in a single purchase at any participating Foot Locker Stores, or online at the Foot Locker Websites. Up to two 10% discounts can be combined (i.e., are “stackable”) per purchase (20% off). Odds of collecting are approximately 1 in 5.

Foot Locker 20% Discount - Eighteen million four hundred forty thousand (18,440,000) discount offers are available. Each offer is good for 20% off the total cost of all items included in a single purchase at any participating Foot Locker Stores, or online at the Foot Locker Websites. Odds of collecting are approximately 1 in 5.