Miley Cyrus


Imagination’s a crazy thing, cause all I picture is a drop kick to her face :lol

Not till I wqas done with the jaw, then maybe. Be looking like a Rocky flick…all that spatter coming out her mouth. This is sick.

sick. sick indeed :lol


WTF is wrong with parenting in America these days:

Getting crunk at 10? Brushing teeth with Jack Daniels? I don’t care if it’s ‘just lyrics’. Parents everywhere need to be slapped upside the head.

i wouldnt kick her outa bed as long as she dont try and eat no damn crackers… I HATE CRUMBS IN BED!!! :ahh

Shouldnt have to worry about that, PJB said she is too young so he wont climb into bed with her.

She was lip synching a song. Kids are impressionable. I used to sing Limp Bizkit in elemantary school, guess my parents should get slapped. The lingerie thing is a bit questionable though :rofl:rofl:rofl

Either way. Miley+ more

definitely a miley fan right hurr

Party in the USA!
