Military is ‘baiting’ insurgents in Iraq

Two opinions:

The fact that the media is broadcasting this is fucking :bloated:
This doctrine is proactive, and I like it. But too aggressive? No other ROE then “he picked up some 12ga wire… weapons free”?

A Pentagon group has encouraged some U.S. military snipers in Iraq to target suspected insurgents by scattering pieces of “bait,” such as detonation cords, plastic explosives and ammunition, and then killing Iraqis who pick up the items, according to military court documents.

i like it :tup:

It makes things very clear, touch weapons and die. Fuck just start treating the insurgents like they treat us. Put remote detonators on them with a 5ft kill radius.

no complaints here… bout time we start fighting dirty like them… but its not going to last too long, theyll pick up on it

why not track where they bring this shit to?


why not track where they bring this shit to?


most of the time they take it, bury it all over the place and go get it during nights and other times when theyre not visible to others

Great idea. I like the tracking as well. Then blow up the building.


Military is ‘baiting’ insurgents in Iraq

Snipers describe classified program


sometimes i hate the media… (i didnt click the link till now)

Great plan, right up until some dipshit sells the story to the press, and the press has absolutely zero ethics and thinks it’s a good idea to carry the story.

^^^ We are stupid as a country. Then for drama the media paint’s it to be a bad thing because more people will read/watch. urg.

Edit: Maybe we should use video camera’s as bait over there…

This is getting absurd. The last thing our soldiers need is to hesitate when someone’s sneaking up on their sleeping team in the night for fear of being charged with murder.

The baiting thing doesn’t add up. The story makes it out like they’re leaving rifle clips on the sidewalk and then shooting anyone who bends over to pick it up.

Story put out by the army to try and scare Iraqi rebels into not moving weaponry?

Hahahaha thats awesome.

This is a higher level lesson that parents teach their kids…don’t pick up shit on the ground.


why not track where they bring this shit to?


my second thought.


The baiting thing doesn’t add up. The story makes it out like they’re leaving rifle clips on the sidewalk and then shooting anyone who bends over to pick it up.


my first thought.

annnnd, what about the friendly who is picking something up to turn it in?

IB4"There Are No Good Iraqis" :roll2:


IB4There Are No Good Iraqis :roll2:


Too late.


go order some pizza

Want a slice?


Want a slice?


sure. meet yah @ noco there.

Here’s a better solution. How about they all just leave? Quit wasting my tax money and making the execs at KBR rich.