mini build thread of mah daily driv3r


i’ve had the aristos on 2 cars afor over 3yrs and always wanted RC’s.

but thanks for the comliments guys.

sweet swirl marks

i like old rims better. dont like the exhaust…

I like em, I hear ya on changing it up. You had those other wheels forever!

I don’t like how the windows are all steamed…big head + little Joey=steamy backseat love affair?

soo i’m gonna need to get coilovers since my current suspension is beat and 10mm spacers for the front so it looks gud. over the winter i’d like to aquire the parts


Wow. Good story. Thanks for the update Pete!

thanks for the comment.


thanks anyways.

oh wut kinda coilovers should i get?

i think i’ll just skip going static and get air. yup.

stasis kiddd

get air

+1 air ride latham

air ride latham crew SON

Get air. Thanks Pete

thanks guys, i’m getting air.

want to see videos of rolling coal

i dunt have any videos but i got pics of it today.

Get vids. Thanks