Mini Fridge

Looking for something ~ 24-25" W x 37" H x 25" D for about 6.5 cubic feet of space.

Must be in good working order. Not too concerned with how it looks. If its energy star rated, even better.

Post up!

I got one in syracuse… 40$ firm

Jeff, I have a Stainless Steel one. Has a couple dents and such, but works great and is overall in good shape. $50 and it’s yours.

I’ll even hose out the inside for you too. :wink:

Are they that size?

a little smaller I guess.

EDIT - I changed the link with the right one.

Really looking for something a bit larger. I’ll let u know if I can use it though.

No prob. Let me know.

actually, can you measure the inside for me?

After looking at some numbers, need ~28-30" for H and 20" or so for W and D for that entire height.

Wait you want me to measure the inside? Is this going to be a kegerator?

well…that is the desired end result. We have everything we need except for a fridge.

I have a keg at my house. I’ll hold it up to the fridge to see if it would fit. I’d try to stuff it in there, but it has a freezer compartment that would need to be removed.

much appreciated sir!

No go on my fridge fitting a keg. Sorry bud. Good luck finding one, though.

I think i found a 5’ one…will report back…

If this thing looks ghetto its going in the garage. :fu:

:fu: it will be a classy addition to the house bro. And you will be able to drink beer out of it. I dont see the issue.

i have this one coming in on a truck today:

Brand New, will sell for $100

I also have some scratch/ding Kegorators available.

^That’s the same one as mine. Won’t fit.

more info?

Buy a Kegorator from Josh. Make sure you can do the transaction with him so you can admire his sweet forearms.