Mitch Hedburg fans.

Just something i stumbled upon. Almost all the video footage fo him thats out.

Holy shit that is amazing

you are the freakin’ man

My wife says the same thing! hmm.

watching now, hes hilarious

yes he is also dead.not so funny anymore.

he’s still funny, even tho he’s no longer living.
I <3 Mitch. thanks for the link. :tup:


+Karma if it gets turned back on

i :heart: mitch hedberg…miss the guy so much, saw him in syracuse and when he came to the riveria last year…

56k owns, i’ll have to take a blank cd/dvd with me next time i go to somebody’s house that has faster than 56k and a burner…

for now i have to live with the 2nd disc that came with his 2nd cd…the one containing dvd material from his half hour special on comedy central, the uncut hour long version because he just felt like keeping on going, and some other shit…

the first 2 conan ones are high larious.

damnit mitch.

pay attention to the dates and watch how them drugs took a toll on him

bump, cause I <3 him

in austrailia we had a koala bear problem…cutest infestation ever…