no homofag shit for me. Exit only.


Damn I think youre getting a bit creepy.

:rofl Yeah…Im becoming a habitual line stepper

Plus, ive been smelling wleding fumes and filler all day long :ahh

Dont walk or stand behind me. I dont want anything poking me.

Welding and body filler never made me gay and/or hit on men and I worked in a body shop for over 3 years.

You wouldnt feel it anyways :lol


you that small?

:thumbup :rofl

Well I still dont want you coming after me with your baby dick.

Ill be seeing you…

I guess Ive gotta watch my back now

I saw “Redheaded Sluts” and “Work safe” and got more excited than a boy would if it was “NWS” - I love redheaded sluts. <3

:excited That’s my kinda of girl:bowdown:rofl

Whenever my best friend and I go out, we pretty much have a routine:

2 redheaded sluts each.
Bay breeze for me (it tastes like bubble gum!) and a Stoli Raz and Sprite for her.
2 more redheaded sluts each.
Hilarity and/or misery then ensues in one way or another.

alcholic :Idiots

I haven’t touched a drop in three weeks thank you. :smiley:

im sure… with ur “water bottle” wine!