"Monday Action" Vids

STFU with your domestic babble and grunts.

Me vs S2000

Me vs Joey


traction FTL. the 2nd pull was GOOD.

yea 40mph < 60mph

your missing a video.

Shut up bitch, it’s coming.

nice video! 2nd run was way better. First was a blow out lol

yea I remember asking Sean " who the fuck picked this speed??"

Me and joey coming up soon., check my first video post, I’ll add them all to that one

that was a pretty good run. You guys are nuts for switching lanes and going by that car.

All my vids are posted

Haha great vids Jay!

thanks. apparently my hatch mounted camera doesn’t pick up too well in the dark so I only used the one.

nitrous popps and flames FTW

Those videos are pretty legit!

The S2000 shoots a MEANNNNN flame, holy shit!


Damn nice videos clean cam setup!

hey man, I never found out until we were on our way home and Sean told me who you were. Your blocks in my car :slight_smile:

thanks guys, I’m gonna prolly get a rollcage mount for these cameras, even though they aren’t mine it will be worth it

Yea those videos came out alot better then I had thought