monday action....whos down?

Cant wait for the videos to be posted

The integra pulled the s2k a hair

join the club LOL

4th gear in my car is shot

Damn really? on the same boost level he ran me on?

:rofl I’m in the club…this will be my 3rd trans. :banghead

So to sum of the night…Joeys trans is blown, La dukes trans is blown and now over heats, Big red trans is also blown.

third gear?


and my phone is MIA.

june 2010 has been a bad month for everyone

Mine has been blown for about 2 1/2 weeks :rofl
I just don’t give a shit!

Oh and my plugs are shot too, as well as my brakes…WTF :banghead

3rd & 4th…wooooo! Still racing it though!

tonight will be forever know as the official transmission killer holiday LOL

haha… of course you are

the Bank Of Gary is going to be repo’ing that thing real soon

ROFL… good fucking thing I didnt come out. All these tranny fails. I already had my share, 2 dead in less than 5kmi after rebuild!

Soooo, big red hows that 02A-Jlittle brother box holding up to Mr 35R. maybe you need a 02M too!

Get at me for srs though I prolly have enough parts to rebuild it for you.

I was busting on people last night that its funny how The only domestic guy out, carry’s tools with him yet all the imports around me are borrowing them cause shit was breaking LOL

I remember when Nick S used to carry around like a full set of tools when he had his Probe. He spent more time under the car than in it. :rofl

did yetti make it out last night? Someone should have drove his jetta for a racing support vehicle… he has a full set of tools, and enough MK4 VW parts in that car to rebuild big reds trans on the spot i bet.

haha thanks for that rag