I haven’t been this year, so I am planning on making it down this weds. Anyone else going?
im going to go saturday I think…or next wensday if I cant make it this weekend.
if i can get off work ill be thurr
you always say youre gonna go. go wednesday dont be a panzy. dont be scurred to run infront of us.
ill be there spectating more than likely.
Absolutely not.
I move in tomorrow so nah
oh hai cp party?
Come weds! I can give you those lessons on launching a car.
chuck, then how are you doing GPNY? lol
I should run my motard at the track
do it. if i can run a minivan you can run a bike
I meant I move in wednesday
oh iiiiiiiight. and minivan is a no-go its in the shop for haildamage
Beat. What’s your dad’s flavor of the week? Does it hold 7 passengers?
momma krame’s is drivin the 09 max, i dunno what pops is gonna bring home, probably a cube caus he’s nice like that
wensday is the middle of the week when im broke…I get paid friday so saturdays are more practical for me due to my pay checks.
it has nothing to do with running infront of people…I could give 2 shits less.
not to mention im going to be at the dealership wensday afternoon cause my girl is getting her new car so thats going to take a few hours between trading hers in/all paper work etc.
if you go wednesday ill pay your track fee. you can get me back sometime. seriously.
ANdrew i’ll pay your track fee if you let me run your car.
I have half a tank of gas in my car, until friday…
half a tank of gas will be gone one way to lebanon.
haaaaaaaa NO