More Venezuelan Nonsense

Such odd names might be turned down by the civil registry if Venezuela approves a bill barring parents from giving their children “names that expose them to ridicule, are extravagant or difficult to pronounce,” or that raise doubts about whether a child is a girl or a boy.

Naming our kids whatever we want. Yet another freedom we take for granted here.

hahaha awesome

I think im more curious to know why this law was made

They should come up with that over here… My mom is a teacher and has a student whose name is Shithead… They call her Shitea for short…


They should come up with that over here… My mom is a teacher and has a student whose name is Shithead… They call her Shitea for short…


come on. :bsflag:


They should come up with that over here… My mom is a teacher and has a student whose name is Shithead… They call her Shitea for short…


:bsflag: +1

Scan of some sort of school document or you’re full of shit.

Honestly though, I wouldn’t mind seeing this as a law here. Think about poor that poor kid “Audio Science”.

Or “Moxie Crimefighter”

Honestly, I’d rather be named McLovin than either of those. :lol:

Or better yet, lets just pass a law that says if you’re too irresponsible to name your kid something that isn’t 100% completely retarded you simply can’t have kids?

If someone tried to tell me i couldnt name my son or daughter picard then there would be rioting in the streets :picard: