Mosh Girl's Brother.... Photshops Encouraged!

Fine i’ll say it,

I’d Do her…

you forget to mention that her eyes have no iris.

Umm lookin at this pic it kinda looks like that kid might be trying to grabs that dudes nuts

lol wow.

+1 for cant wait to see what fuzzy comes up with :lol:

Fuzzy feeling the pressure now.

it is her position that looks sexxy as hell…plus the jailbait aspect too.

I’m just not feeling it, been a really shitty day. Could toss ceiling cat in a speaker but that’s usually a last resort to avoid total suckage.

EDIT: Or mosh girl on the left, but cutting Axel Steel out was hard enough.

i like that one.

Even fuzzy at 50% is funnier than someone elses 100%




lols lols

LOL the face is so good

Fuzzy :tup:

Just give it the caption “Set PJ Bottom’s to ROCK!” or any of the other main street bars that cater to the under 18 crowd. Is PJ’s even still there? :gotme:

LOL @ Fuzzy and Jan :bravo: :lol:

the building is, but the bar got shut down last year and the owner is dead via suicide i believe.

ROFLMAO, what happen to our Jailbait lol.

She’s female and not overly fat, hence this forum nuts just from looking at her. There’s nothing special or attractive about her at all. Even the pose is one of exhaustion, not sexy hair pushing. Plus she’s wearing two belts. I don’t trust a chick that wears more than one belt.