Most users ever online on a day was 1215 on 12-31-2000.

we werent even around in 2000 :wtf:


damn . repost bump :smiley:

Pittspeed has been around since then… for those in the know. It wasnt until the fall of PSR that Pittspeed was made “public”

but there weren’t 1200 members back in 2000

that was the day that the site got hacked by Logik and he registered a shitload of new names to throw off the database and try to crash things. Whitey must have had to resort to an older backup file and forgot to update some of the more mundane statistics.


be quiet zexlude :suprawing:

this was long before I was known as Zexlude. It was 94PreludeSi back then. Shouldnt you be out driving your twin turbo Cobra Mustang? :kekegay:

garaged for the year so hopefully it will be turbo next year … if not ill just let it sit another year :smiley:

besides it wasnt supposed to be tt idiot i was gonna put a t76 on that bitch

my bad. My memory gets kinda fuzzy about things 3 FUCKING YEARS AGO


and mine doesnt?

The same Logik who was an admin whenever I was a mod here about 2 years ago? :dunno:

the one and only

Logic was even here since i joined…

so if he hacked the site and fucked up stuff, why was he still allowed to stay?


no one hacked the site, the timestamp on the server got messed up and it thought it was the wrong day… i did not resort to any old backups or anything

ahhh, thx for clearin that up, i was hella confused