Motion to ban KrazyKid

Choke on skittles and die.

:rofl Knew I was gonna catch shit for that!


we all know youre an overgrown kid on this forum most of the time

I will just make this one short and sweet.


I know you are but what am I?

Pheu, JCLARK put a quick stop to my ban chain. +rep when i can.

I can understand why everyone doesnt like my long winded replies, because if they read as slow as their cars are, it would take them hours to read each one.


Immature Members up in here.

buttttt at least ours run and move :lol

BAN 15!!! :lol

The forum is barely literate in the first place. When you throw a novel in front of them you’ve gotta expect some resentment.

what does this ‘‘literate’’ mean??

bring on the resentment

:lol my new quote… i was getting sick of the falivs one anyways.

Balls, you sir have an good point. Do me a favor and kick HawtWheels in the baby maker next time you see him. K, thx.

I love Hemingways

I like Partagas myself…

As long as its a Series D no. 4 or a black label I concur

Well it is getting late and the GF needs some cock, so I will be stepping out for tonight. tomorrow I will pick this up right at 8:30AM, as soon as I get to the office.

bitchs better rest up tonight, casue I bought a new keyboard at work (old one wore out) and that shit is rated at 1284 words a minute, and I cant wait to get my post on.

You shall wake with a magical ban from MK430R :rofl

fuck you

Is that why she’s blowing up my phone tonight?