mr hennessy

happy b-day man . dont work go home and see the kids for once today .

Happy b-day man. Go play in the snow for awhile, you deserve it.

happy day of birth sir

Hey Jon, us oldtimers have to keep an eye out on each other. You know, so when our knees get all rickety and we fall out of the back of trucks and shit we don’t end all busted up. :lol


Thanks! And I think you’re the first person here to actually spell my last name correctly. Worlds’ coming to an end…

And yeah I’m playing in the snow tomorrow. I may not have the stupidroo anymore, but I did get the 4WD on the jimmy working again tonight thanks to Mr. OP there.

Happy birthday my friend. If you need something AWD to bomb around in on your white birthday, I have a Subaru with your name written on it.

Well, now that I think about it… It actually is written on it in a way.

Oh no you wouldn’t want me driving that car in the snow! You did see what I drove my past subaru like right :rofl:rofl:rofl

Hey man, all I care about is Cosworth lol.

Happy Birthday man!

Happy birthday, sir!

And def enjoy the snow at some point- the lack of traffic on the way into work was actually really nice, gives you a little more ‘wiggle’ room on the road, you know, if you need that sort of thing. :thumbup

Happy birthday, enjoy it

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, yaw mule! Back to werk! Lol enjoy teh snowz.

im just glad i spelled his name right lol

:worship Happy Birthday you old fart

hap happy bir birthday

happy birthday Adam

What’s the best part is that YOU of all people, spelled it right.

happy birthday man

happy bday