MTV Movie Awards

Is da bomb

that lohan chick can not dance for shit

I bet you after I got done with her she’d be dancing!:hitit:

No that would be a “fight or flight responce” call running for her life…Not dancing


Lohan = shit

Did you hear them call the Fast and the Furious gay? That was awesome. Aside from that, the first 30 min was all I could stomach. I had to change the channel. It pissed me off when they keep bleeping out Adam Sandler when he said weed. How gay.

Beastie Boys still rock, i love those guys

agreed, they sounded real good. they were the only reason i watched, was glad they were the first performer.

lohan shouldn’t be hosting my order at wendies let alone the mtv movie awards.

That’s signature material there.

:asshole :finger: