MTV show 70's house

Joe on there graduated from my high school the year before it did. He will fit in well since he was the class clown.

the show is awesome I laughed almost the entire time

That show is gay. What kind of a reward is a fondu party? :ugh2:

there is no show on MTV that is even remotely funny, entertaining, fun, etc…

I hate TV

i’ll never watch mtv … i haven’t watched tv for days

everyone one on this site is so bitter. i love it.

they are too cool for tv… i like tv, although i do not get to watch it.

i never said i was too cool! never get to watch it and if i have a minute i play with my xbox!

plus, new shows usually suck, some are alright and mtv has sucked for life

whats tv…

its a box that you can watch other people’s fucked up lives on…
its not entertaining

real life> realility shows