mug shot thread


So many witty and thought out replies in this thread. Good work, Jailbird.

Ive got to be honest Zack… you look down syndrome.

sorry im not gunna sit here and talk shit in depth with a bunch of fuckin losers who wouldnt ever say a word to my face…im just here for the lol’s


Im ready.

Queerboy Zack… did you block me or some shit?

Make it happen. Bring a camera.

no answer…

No ringing? you sure you can handle that phone?

just called you twice fatty

I weight the same as you, Im fat? Good one lol. You looked like a herpe on the end of a cock when i saw you in lake george, giggling like a faggot in your car failing at a burn out.

ouch got me

and thats not my car idiot

where you at bro

Its cooler than both of yours. :ponder

Can somebody quote me? Either faggothan is ignoring me or has me blocked.

i only own one car. now your phones off? thats cute you little bitch…

right here why dont you give me a real number?


Because you wont show up. id drive from Averill Park to show up with no one there. As usual.