mug shot thread

Purchase VW
1st tattoo on knuckles
Call people faggots

Repped. :rofl

updated lol

so its nice to see people never grow up…thats a fun thing…


Why would we didn’t you ever see the toys r us commercials… We’re fucking brainwashed man

Not the people making fun of toolio that’s understandable and sort of what this forum does.

I’m talking about the people saying “Oh ya jerk, well I bet you won’t say that to my face!”…“I bet I will”…“Ya if you do I’ll beat you up”…“You can’t beat me up”…“Yes I can meet me right now! (at 3 am)”…“Fine!”…“Fine!”…

and then nothing ever happens. If you’re gonna act 14 at least follow through.


Cool story.

Fuck you.


Holy fucking shit. :rofl That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever read on this forum that didn’t involve PJB. :lol