Multi Bday Meet 2/25/06

Birthday meet for Mitsugrl97, flyinglow57, and grindpunk16.

When : 2/25/06 Saturday
Who : all you bastards
Where : up to you

Mods, can you put a poll in here for
North Park Clubhouse In Robinson
Houlihans in Monroeville
Dave and Busters
Funfest in Harmerville

aw macky and beth same day Bdays, two favorite ppl bdays


Not same day, Same Month :doh:

and actually that is silvers actual b-day i doubt that he will make it up from baltimore though.

i vote for Houlihans in Monroeville

that punk better make the trip

i say houlihans… and i can’t add a poll once a thread was started… so why not make a new thread

im down for anywhere. ill just need directions to houlihans, or d&b

I got it to work, post up.

houlihans… it got leslie good!

dave and busters because it’s close. :slight_smile:

So it looks like its going to be Houlihans in Monroeville…Roll call on who thinks their able to make it


sweet, ill be 21 also!

i might be there hopefully :blue:

I’d be down for anywhere we can buy you guys yager-bombs till you drop!!
:beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:


hopefully ill get off work and be there

you best be there… ya bitch… :itr41:

Well I think I’m going to be calling Houlihans this week. So I need an estimated head count. So post up!

i will be there. more then likely a few of my friends. its near thier houses and as many hoes i can collect on the way there.

So we’ve got

Victorsmalls n I
Flyinglow and friends
BlkP94E n prob Lory
and maybe Silver wow now that will be a turn out :down: