Murdog was MclarenGP calling each other out (split)

i dont care i just want to beat your ass.

Not my fault you never got hugged as a child

I also cannot plus rep you again. Therefore, I award you these 10 internets.

So how about going to Paris with Kramer and Murrdog? You guys could Effiel Tower and errrrytahng. Lock it in.

He didddd say he wanted to blow kramer or something

Ok so where is this 4loko party at

My new tat:

Here’s who I went out with on Halloween:

haha carful man we’re in the same town you dont think ill run into u one day??

you are turning into a bigger pussy by the minute.

i know a few people on here ill find out where/ who you are soon or later you fag.

Never met you… only saw your dumpy car running at lvd. If you actually take this stuff that seriously… you are one saddd little man.

I still don’t understand what this is about.

haha… me calling him a dope for believing in “chemtrails”

so your saying i will eventually see you again somewhere/sometime and you realized u fucked up and probably have a nutcase to deal with now. congrats.