My 21st B-Day

So I’m turning 21 a week from today, 11/4. Yes, election day. I have no effing clue what to do. I don’t know whether to go out to a bunch of places on Tuesday, or hold off until the weekend. Everyone else has to work on Wednesday pretty much, where more people ahve the weekend off, which I don’t. Anybody have any ideas? Anyone wanna come along?

cossey we are gonna get hammered!!


i’d say wait till the weekend man. getting blasted midweek is not a good idea. coming to work with giant black bags under ur eyes and a hure headache and ears ringing is not fun. i can come along if somebody is gonna drink and needs a ride. i dont drink. just one condition is no yakking on the leather.


I wish I could be 21 again… :sad

lets just say you are then :smile

Whoa I always thought you were 21 already

i don’t work Wednesdays cossey …lets get drunk :lol

Whatever day it is, you know I’m obligated to be there.

Great, now I cant go. ::slight_smile: Oh well, sorry Cossey, hope it’s fun.



Have fun mang. Go out and enjoy the night.


Do like everyone else does, get shit faced at some bar, pick up a sleezy club girl, have a good night, remember nothing the following afternoon.

N I always thought you were older than me, guess not.

Who’s DD’ing this extravaganza. NOT IT!

not it !!

i remember when you couldn’t Even drive to hang out with us …wow …time fly’s

i already said i can do it

ok soo how many drunken fools can ft into an A6 anyways lol

Me? Or Cossey? :lol

1 upfront, 3 sitting in the back or 4 if you’re about Joey’s size or have one laying across the three sitting