my 240sx

Pussy sizes, And please get a different color
These are the colors that are taken

Bronze- Flavio
Black with P lip- Me
Hyper black- Jamie

that leaves you with silver ot matt black.

Or get mine but as long as you don’t get 10’s

I am not going with 10’s, i don’t feel like paying the extra cash for the extra inche.

i saw these wheels on a car that looked almost like mine and thats why i decided on them, cause they look sick with the kit.

plus i live in calgary, chances of our cars being side by side are extremely rare. Anyways, i had one of the first set of advan sa3r’s in calgary (or the first set) and than everyone started to get them. And i don’t think anyone has these yet down here

Norm has the silvers :stuck_out_tongue:

That last S13 looks like it stole its headlights from a Camaro. :vom:

Wait till you see it with the hood painted. Uras hood vent going on. Those are supermade headlights BTW. Very nice.

ya if that car didn’t have the headlights, or spoiler it would look sweet. he posted on zilvia that he was waiting for his hood scoop before it was painted. you know, same scoop on the car in typoons avatar.

Ummm… the URAS vent is not even close to Typhoons hood. The spoiler on that car is PIMP. The Supermade(maybe Raceon knockoffs) lights are PIMP. I still prefer popups though. The wheels are absolute shit.

URAS vent…

That black 180 is gonna look insane when its done if he had diff wheels or some spacers on the front…and uras vent is sick!!

But on the note of 5 Zigens thats what happens when you buy the cheapest wheels with decent offset/sizes they are nice lookin wheels but they are sure as hell not gonna be rarest wheels available. In the end its your car and buy what u like! i am just gonna make sure no one has the same rims as me :finga:

Pussy sizes, And please get a different color
These are the colors that are taken

Bronze- Flavio
Black with P lip- Me
Hyper black- Jamie

that leaves you with silver ot matt black.

Or get mine but as long as you don’t get 10’s[/quote]

How old are you?

Pussy sizes, And please get a different color
These are the colors that are taken

Bronze- Flavio
Black with P lip- Me
Hyper black- Jamie

that leaves you with silver ot matt black.

Or get mine but as long as you don’t get 10’s[/quote]

How old are you?[/quote]

he looks 15 so im going to say 15, hey harry potter isnt your new movie coming out soon??? HAHA

Pussy sizes, And please get a different color
These are the colors that are taken

Bronze- Flavio
Black with P lip- Me
Hyper black- Jamie

that leaves you with silver ot matt black.

Or get mine but as long as you don’t get 10’s[/quote]

How old are you?[/quote]

he looks 15 so im going to say 15, hey harry potter isnt your new movie coming out soon??? HAHA[/quote]

I vouge for this he looks 15 but this does not mean you have persmission to touch 15 year old girls you are no kent!!! AND I ADMIT I SAW ON THE NEWS SADLY they are going to kill you off in the next movie harry potter! and I wonder why do you have an accent in the movies and not in real life? because the accent might help you with the lizadies

Wheels, colors, sizes are taken… ROFL… grow up people! Get you like Laurier… BUY ANDY’S WHEELS FOR CHRIST SAKE!!

andrews wheels went with the car…

but i have my mind set on a set of hoe zigen fn01rc’s

Give me your BN then. FN’s + BN = the end of the world. Seriously. Be a man. Get some actual wheels.

i could get a set of work emotions 17x7 and 17x8 for a bit more…anyways i just bought a new car so my wheels are at $1500 without tires. on yahoo i have come across some te37’s but they have even worse offsets

but the 5zigens are looking good for the car

7’s and 8’s??? :alright:

7’s and 8’s??? :alright:[/quote]

lol I feel like such a loser with 8’s all around…7’s…just buy a civic and call it a day. :E

Go on to Zilvia and PM Logan (A Spec Products). Ask him what he can do for you with your budget. Best customer service ever. He’ll hook you up with proper sizes too. If you can’t find him, he has a thread in advertisers specials for steering wheels. You could get the new gram light 57 maximum(17 x 9 +12mm and 18 x 9.5 +12mm) for a little over 1500.

goood god! get some wheels and get it on the road… ROFL… is the bet still on? :axe: :E

lol i will explain later about the whole engine situation. but the engine is going in tommorow. than i have to pick up the driveshaft on monday so i am think wednesday she will be back on the road, unless i don’t want to make and appearance without it painted.

the wheel situation…i am looking into them now but i don’t plan on ordering them till late september.

Late Sept? so no d-sport? :E :finga: