My buddies GOTMILF liscense plate got him 0WNED!🤣

A buddy of mine, the same guy that editted my Vegas video from the 2003 Supra meet, caught some grief for his liscence plate. His plate clearly read “GOT MILF” and he’d been rolling around with that plate for quite some time, then some mom apparently saw it, knew the meaning, and reported it. Well long story short, he’s getting way more attention for it than he ever thought he would’ve.

Here’s the newspaper clip:

Then even the local TV station did a short story on it, here’s the video:


Can you beleive people actually get pissed enough about liscense plates to report them??? I mean… christ.



too many liberals in this world…

prob the lady was a fat hag that reported him

thats great.

“Manual Inline Lift Fluctuator”

hahahhah :bowrofl:

:rofl: Yeah, he tried a bunch of different excuses, but nobody bought any of them. The “manual inline lift fluctuator” was the best though.

wow… seriously is there a need to do a TV news report on that?

Smaller town outside of Seattle… :dunno:

ahhhhh… front page news then

I’ve been informed that the video may cause you problems viewing it… if so, I used WMP and I was prompted by a “video error”, just click “play video anyway” and it’ll work. :cool:

i got MILF!!!1


I think it’s great he got away with it for almost 2 years. Sucks a couple of anal-retentive bitches had to ruin things. I guess no one can take a joke anymore.

Stripped of GOTMILF, Syravong was forced to replace his distinctive tag with PUNISHR. We’re counting the days until a motorist writes in to complain that Syravong’s new plate advocates domestic violence or has S&M undertones. (9 pages)

haha… s&m undertones!

got milf’s a good one though.

i bet $10 that the bitch that complained is fugly!!!

thats fn great !

they keep denying 2fnfast for my but i keep trying
got 2fnfast and f55mph denied


Dude tell him to reapply with “FLIMTOG” and put it on the front (would work perfectly for states like ohio with the required front)


That way the stupid bitch will see it in her rear view.

x 200
btw that plate is sweet :rofl: :rofl: