MY Clock won't Flush (3rd base flip night check in)

No you won’t…Go to bed early like you did last night pussy



No you won’t…Go to bed early like you did last night pussy


just cause i ignored your call doesnt mean i went to bed early :wink:

meet you there tonight? (oooo a date!)


just cause i ignored your call doesnt mean i went to bed early :wink:

meet you there tonight? (oooo a date!)


Yea I had to hang out with Danielle instead…

lame. i have to fetch my father from the airport tonight.


lame. i have to fetch my father from the airport tonight.


sounds like he needs to do this thing called a taxi cab…

or the rickshaw he drives for a living

douche abags… back rleary and no one was there…

yo uscusk azong aznd greof/… wiklly beemn i amwill not fiosh with toyuio

why was it closed this week?

lack of liquor license renewal. or so I heard through the grapevine.

That kid is such a faggot… I hope he is there tonight so i can kick his ass

I hear he’s paying cover x 4

oooo burn :frowning: