My DC thread....

yeah they also have a bunch of drunken morons and college girl sluts to hit your car and total it. Then bang every girl the see.


every single time plattsburgh comes up, you have the same responses…hmmmm

ps, OP, where were you located on the vt side?

See the bolded text, that’s a problem.


i like the teggy, its nice

holy shit! that is one awesome DC.

i was in Plattsburgh on thursday night, saw you drive by. I was at this bar called woodstock. Car sounds awesome!!!


why the post deletes??

let’s go steal it, we’ll get a group of people. and steal it…kramerbuccs got the plate #'s down.

you really need to chill with the post thing. seems like you join here, make a nice intro, then flip when one joke that isn’t remotely serious is made and you didnt think it was funny, then you call out k20power saying his ride is dumpy… what do you expect? take a chill pill and youll be fine

If your talking about K20 his car is probably worth like 9k. It was a joke.

Dude you shouldnt act that way to people you dont know, especially if you want to enter the bussiness world. If you knew this guy the joke would be funny, but obviously you hit a nerve on this guy.

Word man. Build your car to make you happy.

Shits not worth 9.

Sorry I’m not a K swap expert. I’ve got right around 10K in mine at this point and that’s an LS. And this isn’t the bussiness world its a fuckin car fourm. And if somone was going to steal a car do you think they would say it to everyone on here? From every onther thread in here it kinda easy to tell it was a joke.

im doing justtt fineee in the business world, thanks though.

dude you need a life ,like a great man once told me .with anything cars ,womanzzzz,friends and what not its not yours its just your turn .its a fuckin honda /acura what have you they made a million of them let the i got the best shit in the world crap go.for what its worth i think its ugly

I can see where your coming from with being protective, but I’ve come to realize, it’s just a car.

I’ve got an embarrassing amount of money involved into mine, and if it was stolen, I’d miss it, but it’s not the end of the world.