Tein Hood Dampers for DC2

took them off my integra. fitment is ok, but with my ill fitting crappy hood it made them bow out.

the end with the bolt has a little surface rust but it will clean up. They go for 150 online, so I’ll take 80

Check your texts brotha.

i might be able to set up a buyer for these for you … ill let you know later today.


forgot about the thread J… buddy of mine IS interested… get ahold of me and ill set you up with his contact info.

jew buddy?


tell em i said yo i havent seen em in awhile

it shall be done

I take it he got that nickname from his bartering skills

and the fact that hes actually jewish…



No one has bought these yet? I <3 hood dampers, but obviously no DC2 here.

dude these will def fit the skyline

Already have a set on order from a month or three ago.

could these be used for any type of car?

eg hondas and dc integras I believe only

