My DC thread....

what does this guy think he’s an indian? is he a goddam asshole, what the fuck is he doin?

he’s a ha-bib

not my chair not my problem, thats what i say.

Shift 518 would have way more people if this shit didnt happen. Fun > controversy

lol what did this guy do, go back and delete his old posts?

This expression is one of my petpeeves (just has a weird ring to it that irritates me)… but pot: meet kettle.


dude… this guy got all bent out of shape because a simple ass joke that someone was gonna steal his car. If you can’t handle something like that, shift is not the forum for you.



kid belongs on pluto

Im taming the almighty kramerbuccs. But really some people just want to be apart of a car forum for car things. They might not have time to know everyones life story and many might not care. Take that guy with the GTO show car. Many of you ripped him for having a car club, then those same people are putting stickers on their wheels the make their car more show worthy. Just my .02

im going to post my cobalt on hondatech

I hope this isn’t aimed at me. For one, I know Teddy that owns the GTO and never once have I ripped on him for having his car club. If you’re going to spew false information for the sake of an arguement, gtfo chodewhistler. Second, I didn’t put stickers on my wheels to make it “more show worthy”. I don’t give a flying fuck about car shows or how my car looks really, which the car I’m currently building will show that.

theres like 5 irrelevant points in there

does dkid drive a silver honda bubble looking thing with a fart can on it? if so i saw him stunting like mad at hvcc the other day.

would you really?

please take all of my cars. that would be awesome. :hug

yeah come grab mine too, i’ll leave the keys in the door handle for you.

Dont go to the valley sorry man.

Mine too, dont even want a car anymore.

Is this where we post if we want our cars jacked?
Sign me up. I’ll take an insurance check lol.