My florida pics (Beware TONS)

somebody has been studying haha. sounds like you are learning alot!

good stuff bro. your style of pics is what i was into when i first got my camera. i used alot of the shadow and highlight tool, i toned it down now alot to get more of a realistic look, but every once in a while i over do it to get that look, i still like it.
faux hdr is sick stuff

Yeah obviously I’m going for that fake look on most of those to get it to “pop”

its a unique look that not that many people have seen

hahahah … I can’t wait for you to come back and look at the ones I have taken recently. You will see a HUGE improvment!!

for sure! i cant wait, its not too much longer though. i really want to get a couple more lenses before i come back…im sick of the ones i have. another month or so spent on my car then i can put some into the camera

Went out fishin tonight but didnt’ catch anything so used the time to get some snaps.