My, how far we have come since 1985..

aaaa yess…the stack of 3 1/4" disks labeled “DOS Bacup”

bacup spelled wrong so I’d remember they were actually porn disks…

like a 14 year old is gonna forget where his porn is

:EDIT: thats right…I had 3 1/4" disks…I was special


I miss my old 8088, with it’s 10Mhz processor 40MB hard-drive and CD-ROM!!!11111oneone

I was like holy shiet!, and it could display 256-colors:headbang:

…at 320x240 after like 30 seconds of waiting.

then you’d love the tandy 88 my parent’s have in their basement. still “works”, if you can all it that lol.

  1. Posted Aug 22, 2005, 3:12 PM ET by Darryl
    Hah – really funny. However it should be pointed out that FIGlet (which you used to create the great headlines) didn’t exist until around 1993.

Pre-FIGlet, Unix users were stuck with plain old banner, which was really only suitable for printing out banners on big dot matrix or other continuous feed printers.

hahaha now there is a true nerd.

I want a Petster :frowning: