My, how far we have come since 1985..


Someday we’ll all have phones as portable as the 11-pound Mobira Talkman


One day in the future we’ll all work at 200MHz tower desktops with 9600 baud modems, but until then we’ll just have to keep dreaming.

Are we there yet?

the other day. walking down elmwood. i saw a kinda squirelly looking lady talking into a really big cell phone. but when she got closer. i realized it was actually one of those old yellow “sony sports” tape walkmans…

Drugs do CRAZZZZZZZZy CRAZYYYY things man.


frickin’ hilarious!

wow, great… um article?

i can’t believe i was born before all of that and that so much has happened in so little time.

takes me back to the days of “lazer tag” lol… anyone remember those?

if not here’s a refresher –

Lazor tag was awsome. I had the helmet,vest,gun w/ holster I loved playing it

^ my parents only got me the one gun and receiver, and I didn’t have any friends who had that setup so I had to run around my house and shoot myself. It was kind of boring.

So you played with yourself all the time?

Sweet. :smiley:

yeah I learned young and still haven’t gotten bored of it :wink:

ahh… this makes me think of my apple IIe
those were the days

I miss PC’s with turbo buttons…

“Imagine that: storing over 500 MB of space on a single disk. We’re not quite sure how we’d actually fill all that space”

i said that when i got my first pentium pc. it had a 420 meg hd (yea, 420) i was like
“man, i will never run outta space with this” lol

Then you discovered porn

lol yeah.

i remember when i was like 14, on dial-up, dling pics from newsgroups and BBSes lol.

i had porn well before that. it was discovering irc that did me in.

lol i think irc did everybody in