We are living in exponential times.

I remember dialing in to Prodigy.

The first website I ever launched was NBA.com

I remember life before the internet. I know how to use a card catalog. They taught us the Dewey Decimal system in grade school. Via my German class, I had a pen pal in Germany. Fuck, I know what a pen pal is!

When I started college people didn’t ask “What’s your cell number?” they asked “Do you have a cell phone?”

The computer I brought to college (in 2000) had a 600 Mhz processor.
(The fucking iPhone has a 620 Mhz processor.)

NOBODY had a Mac my freshman year. Why the fuck would you have an Apple computer?

Gas was sub $1.50 when I bought my first vehicle. The price didn’t change.

China? Who cares about that poor communist country.

India? That near the middle east somewhere right?

I have a picture of me and my buddies on the roof of the World Trade Center.

Fucking hell the world has changed a lot in the last 10-20 years. What else do you have?

dude i feel ya… these are some changed times man.

CDs coming out and having a sony cd walkman was hella cool

Personally, the largest impact on myself was the internet. Opening the world up, realizing that myself, my town, this city is such a small and tiny part of a truly huge world. The internet brought anything I wanted to see or read about to my fingertips. Hell fucking yeah!

I also have a picture of me in front of the trade centers as a kid.

moore’s law, son.

CDs’!!! I forgot about how excited I was when I bought my Sony Discman! My first CD was Hootie & The Blowfish, because that was all they had that I had heard of. Now I have over 10,000 songs. And it just doesn’t have the same magic.

Fuck! I was the first person kicked off of Napster in my dorm!!! I had Metallica shared!!!

I didn’t know what that was.

Sho 'nuff.

Huge respect to you for being a leader in that field.

OMG Napster!! forgot about that shit

My parents house was the 1st house in our neightborhood to have cable. Our download speeds were rediculous. Like 8megs/sec down

Even before that, downloading ripped movies on dial-up. Shit took 2 weeks to download.

The internet has trully shrunk the world. I remember rocking my Yellow sport walkman thinking I was the shit. Only to have my neighbors kid whip out a Cd player that was hefty enaugh to use as a boat anchor. Oh and wtf was that little thing Kosta has his earphones pluged into. WTF is an MP3 player?!?! Napster?!? Son of a bitch when did music become free and plentyfull?!? Man it sure is great I upgraded that 14.4kb modem to a 56k. Now I only have to leave my computer on for one night to download 10 songs, as opposed to 2 days. Whoa and i hear soon they’l have something called DSL, or cable or something. Dude we will soon be able to talk on the phone while downloading MP3’s.

i used to get gas for my 84 tornado at about 75 cents a gall. If someone told me that It would reach damn near 4 bucks I would have light that thing on fire years ago, and bought a honda. lol.

Sucks though. i remember when i could go through 2 or 3 tanks of gas in a night with my Camaro and not give a damn cause I still had some bucks left over to fill up with again.

Times sure have changed. Comodor 64 anyone? Now who remembers the Turbo grafix 16?


lol a porn video clip? I don’t have all fucking night!


I remember when Rubicant was cool.

lol that pre-dates me, but I know it. Fuck i just replaced a control system at Praxair that was programmed with a Tandy. You know, that thing that some programming geek wrote the code for. What was his name? Oh yeah, Bill Gates…

lol I’m meeting him for beer in 15 minutes. I’ll pass the word on.


Loading video casino games onto a TRS80 with a tape deck. I like this Moore guy. :wink:


Aaahaha Tandy. When I worked at Radioshack many moons ago I found some broshures in the back room. they were of some old ass computers the size of my desk. Cutting age at the time. but in all honesty i think my Razr has more computing power than they did. LOl at a warehouse we even founf one that took a disk that probably would have been the size of a record.

Lmao why does that ring a bell? am I the oldest mofo on this post haha

sony mini discs

Haha. Oh shit i think I still have mine somewhere lo…