What tech stuff are you going to share with your kids?

Sort of an interesting topic, myself and my father and uncle had an interesting conversation last night.

They were talking about when my grandfather had bought the first family color tv, and how the neighbors would come by just to see it in color. Then they went on to tell me about other similar stories.

That got me thinking, what am I going to tell my kids about tech stuff when i was growing up. Feel free to add yours here it could be a very interesting thread.

When I was younger, my parents would actually go to a movie rental place and rent a VCR and get some movies to watch. I remember this goddamn thing, it was in a suitcase, and it was a big event for my father to hook the thing up to the TV Set.

I remember the first microwave that we had in the house. It was amazing to watch it cook food. It was a small one given to us by our aunt for christmas or something.

I remember when we got our first “big” TV. My father bought this 27 inch Philips TV, we had it hooked up to cable, and my mother was just saying how ‘beautiful’ the picture was, and how modern the TV looked because it had a black case instead of the wood one. We all couldn’t get over how “big” the picture was. It was like having a movie theater in the house, even turning it on was a joy. (I swear to god).

The first time i seen a DVD I was in school. The teacher was showing us some educational bullshit movie. I remember her showing us the disc, and she passed around and told us not to touch it, we could damage it. Then she made a big scene of taking the disc out of the case, not to damage it, then holding it by the edges.

The first computer I owned had a AMD PR75 processor. It ran at 66mhz, and had 8mb of memory. We played tons of dos games that my cousin pirated onto floppy discs for us to share.

The first time I was on the internet, was in school as well. The teacher would go around and sign us onto prodigy, so that we could check out some smithsonian bullshit. We then switched to AOL, and my first phishing experience came along. I would watch the teacher enter the user name and the password into the machine, then I would use the schools AOL account at home. The password was the last name of the principal. I remember that shit to this day, my brother and I would be tooling around the internet at 14.4kbps. He finally changed the password after we were logged onto it all the time, and he couldn’t login from the school, lol.

So my dad still wouldn’t pay for internet, so I ended using the modem to sign onto juno email. It was weird as hell, it was a email program, that you had to dial into juno to download email, then it would hang up right after it downloaded your email. We thought it was a sweet free service.

Then I found buffalo freenet or something. It was this lynx based text internet service, you could surf the internet in text only format, and access local buffalo BBS.

When netzero came out, I was amazed that you could get internet for free, so long as you had this banner on top of the window at all times. I shortly found myself downloading hacking programs to remove the window, and still use their service.

The first time I seen a CD burner in action was at my uncles office at ub south. He’s a scientist, and he brought me and my cousin into work with him so he could record a couple CD’s. I was amazed by it. It took like an hour to burn two cd’s.

Then my first CD burner was an iomega external usb burner. It took me hours to figure out how to get the drivers to work on windows 95osr2. When i finally got it working, my dad was so amazed. It was like we had a record studio in the house now. The iomega burner was this purple contraption, huge in size, and weighed alot. I bought it for 149 dollars online, and I had to beg my dad to get to use his credit card online.

Ha, i have so many more…

I will talk about the “good ole” days of pirating games BBSes on a 1200 bps dial-up dialup connection, and my sweet 8088 with 3 1/2" floppy drive, and my even sweeter NES back when I was 5. I think honestly the last game I did that with was WarCraft II, over a 14.4k connection. :tup:

And how real games used sprites, and how just rendering a few was an astounding feat. Let alone with more than 16 colors, and the rest was filled in with imagination.

I’ll also talk about playing Command & Conquer, WarCraft II, and Doom 2 co-op all over direct serial connection on a 486 sx33.

Ahh, those were the days. So many boring stories to be had. :slight_smile:

EDIT: 640k ain’t shit. :pimp:

I will talk about when the USA landed on the moon.:stuck_out_tongue:

I’m gonna talk about my Super Nintendo that came with my moms new conversion van…and how mad I was when she sold the van WITH our precious mario luigi and yoshi. <3

probably the sweetest moment was when my dad bought me 2 megs of ram so I would have 4 megs and be able to play NHL 94.

My dad buying our $4,000 Packard Bell with cd-rom and Prince of Persia

5 disc cd changer at Rosa’s, I remember my parents thinking it over for like 2 weeks before they made the “big purchase”


Getting the computer lab’s old Apple 2Es in our classroom in elementary school. Oregon Trail FTW!

lol remember those HUGE laser discs? those were hot.


ahh yes the apple IIe. they had a computer lab full of those when i was in junior high.

the first computer my family got was an ibm with 25mhz and 2mb of ram. it was the hot shit. after that we got a compaq that had 100mhz pentium and 8mb of ram for the low price of $2800.

what nintendo is and how to warm up the games and console to play it., I dont question that playstation 4 or 5 will be out by then. He will look at me like im maaad old say something smart and ill tell him to shutup and goto his room like my dad did.

those huge 6" floppy disks
when I was so happy to get my first regular 8 bit nintendo
when gas was $1.10 a gallon
when cds replaced cassette tapes, then explain to them what a cassette is lol.
the first microwave.
bugs bunny…nuff said.

hahaha Hell yeah.

having to boot to dos to play duke nukem 3d ‘deathmatch’ modem games
excalibur bbs software
programming aol punters and mail servers in visual basic 3.0 pro

Two words…

Marble Madness

…and yes it was on a Commodore 64…

commodore 64 rocked…

haha. my first computer was a commodore 64 also. it had almost every game imaginable including the first test drive.

my first pc was a packard bell with a 50MHz 486 SX processor that i upgraded the memory to 12 MB sometime during the ownership. it also had a big 500Mg hard drive and a 2x cd-rom all running windows 3.1

Pong, Atari and Intellivision were the hot games we had.
I remember going to the store when i was about 8-9 with $1 and getting a pack of Pal Mal cigarettes for my father and a candy bar and having change.
I remember y mother saying my fther is rolling in his grave of these gas prices ($0.89/galon)
Seeing Metallica in a bar
Predator carbs were hot, bot about 2 weeks.
First fuel injected car int eh family was my grand mothers 85 Monte and I coulnd’t figure out haw to tune it.
Cross fire injectin was the hot set up on the Vettes.
Cop killer bullets (wincheser Talons) came onteh market fr the gun that could evade airport security(Glock)
I think my frseshman year in HS we had some “HighTech” computers that could make long banners on paper with little letters used to form the shape of big letters.
I rmember my father buying my aunt a calculator for her store, had very basic +,-, % ,/ functions and it was like $90.

The printers with the paper on the roll with the perforated strips with the holes on the side. And you had to seperate each page after you printed it, but you could fashion up some SIQ banners with it.

Those are still used a lot of work places. Dot matrix printers fucking ruled just because it would piss people off so much if you queued stuff so it would be difficult to tear. Not only that but if someone was next to it you could just scare them by starting a print job due to noise. I think we have 5 or 6 of those at work for recept printing. :tup:

Anyone here ever use a plotter. It was like an ancient inkjet printer almost, but forget pages per minute, more like pages per hour. And usually only 8 Colors for the ones that drew in color, but they were so sweet to watch. It was like watching someone write with a pen really quickly almost.