you know how everyone has a “my mom threw away my…” story (priceless baseball cards, boxes of comics, et cetera…)?
well until today, i was always happy that my mom seemed to be above such things…
i know what you’re thinking… “lucky VCR?”
this old panasonic was held together with duct tape, and i had to push the switches on the circuit board to operate it, but it played every tape flawlessly and never ate a single tape. she said it “looked like junk”. :eek4:
that VCR had been with me since back in the day. it was the only piece of electronics i didn’t sell when i was living in a ford aerostar!
so she gave me this piece of shit sanyo from her room. it looked like a fairly decent stereo VCR… it ate the first fucking tape i put in it.
i’m putting her in the scariest old folks home i can find.
(i’m just kidding, but i’m irritated like an overwiped asshole)