
you know how everyone has a “my mom threw away my…” story (priceless baseball cards, boxes of comics, et cetera…)?

well until today, i was always happy that my mom seemed to be above such things…


i know what you’re thinking… “lucky VCR?”

this old panasonic was held together with duct tape, and i had to push the switches on the circuit board to operate it, but it played every tape flawlessly and never ate a single tape. she said it “looked like junk”. :eek4:

that VCR had been with me since back in the day. it was the only piece of electronics i didn’t sell when i was living in a ford aerostar!

so she gave me this piece of shit sanyo from her room. it looked like a fairly decent stereo VCR… it ate the first fucking tape i put in it.

i’m putting her in the scariest old folks home i can find.

(i’m just kidding, but i’m irritated like an overwiped asshole)

sucks to be you

btw - buy a dvd player for christs sake, it’s 2004 - who uses a vcr anymore :smiley:

lol… i have a DVD player, and I usually either buy DVDs or burn SVCDs… but I had to copy a VHS tape this morning.


are 2 sites that will eventually elimate the vcr. ha ha. Well I download all the tv shows I miss there - I love it!

i was living in a ford aerostar!


you must of joined after all that arose… blayner was homeless for a time.

he joined after me and i didn’t know that :wtf:


i don’t remember what the deal was… he was on here and banned, then came back… i don’t even remember his original name.

michaelblayner :slap:

:nono: he had another (i think)

i lived in a ford aerostar for the better part of a month. i wrecked the aerostar into a deer at about 75 mph, and totalled my house…lol.

your mom threw away the VCR???!!!???

the VCR that forced us to only watch Freddy Got Fingered for months???!!!

that sucks…

but your mom is still hot… :idhitit:

Reminds me of 8.1crew wanting to put an 8 track player in his pewterSS. :hahano:

hey it worked! :ugh2: :booty:

DVD recoreds still too much, VCR’s still serve a purpose