What things we do/have now that will seem silly to the next generation?

Lets face it, we are all getting older and the older we get the more we encounter the situation of old-ism where the things we used to do seemed ancient and strange by the youth. Most obvious examples are in technology where most of us can relate back to the days of calling somebody’s house and if they weren’t home you simply had no idea where they were and AIM was the end all be all computer means of communication. Cassette tapes seem historic and we are quickly approaching the youth thats confused even by portable CD players. (anybody remember the big market on downloading and burning CD’s?) :lol

Question stands, what do you think will become dated in the near future and seem barbaric to the next generation?

I suspect common cold will be cured and they will laugh at us for being sick yearly over a simple yet evasive virus.

I also suspect that keyboard as a means of data entry will be replaced by something more innovative and more efficient.


The keyboard is incredibly efficient. Voice recognition is incredibly complex. Some sort of brain scan thing would be just as complex. I don’t see the keyboard going anywhere.

Telephones will become a thing of the past though. I see video chatting becoming a major player in the future. Way more than it is now. Everyone will be able to see everyone else when they’re talking.

I also can see two dimensional pictures/videos becoming irrelevant. We’ve already got 3d tvs in houses and I don’t expect it to take long for ALL of them to be 3d. Even the nintendo DS has some form of 3d capability as does a gopro camera as long as you have two, as far as I know.

Unfortunately, clutches as well…

^i hope you’re wrong

  1. I don’t want everyone to be able to see me when I talk to them on the phone.

  2. Fuck 3d

  3. Photographs becoming obsolete is quite a statememt

Cars/Bikes with manual transmission.

Everything. Remember, the world ends in 37 days…

I can’t wait for December 22nd, the day after, to laugh in everyones face.

Same here. I’ve been watching “Doomsday Preppers” religiously. I’ll be standing on my porch with a gas mask and a shovel I fashioned into a sword.

Ill be laughing in the faces of all the zombies and aliens as I chow down on my 3 year supply of canned goods …that expired in 2010.

i’m going to an end of the world party, if it ends, i’ll be drunk.

I think the next generation will wonder how people today could oppose civil rights like gay marriage, abortion, etc… To start.

3, they’ll be a novelty.

OEM wheels/tires/camber.

I know where your porch is. I’m going to get bit by a zombie just so I can come and battle your shovel sword

Honestly, if you look around at technology, sociology and many many other ology’s around us it looks like we peaked. A lot of the everyday stuff we do hasn’t been revolutionary at all. Just baby steps “better” usually just to outsell last year’s product and stay “new”. It took like 3 years to go from rear projection TV’s to flat panels for everything. Prices skyrocketed and plummeted in the blink of an eye. Unless they do the same with thing holographic or telepathic TV… flat screens will marginally get better SPEC wise but major revolutionary realistic changes won’t happen. One tech example. Look at movie themes, 100 vampire bullshit movies doing the same damn shit over and over for example. What’s the last mind blowing movie you said “Man, I never seen a movie like that, EVER!” in recent years? Invention as we know it is slowing down, from what I can see around me.

And people tend to take the easy way out because of all the latest and greatest what have you at their time. With just about everything. Look at the cars now that will brake vs the car ahead of you, alarm you if you nod off at the wheel, park for you, back you up without looking, its convenient but is also making people lazy as fuck. AKA, skills that are not practiced go away. That’s just one example. Calculus isn’t done on paper, it’s done on a Java app 2 clicks into a google search.

We peaked, shit will steady out, and each generation after the next will be dumber and dumber. So to answer your question, nothing will go away completely, it just won’t really get better.

I am pretty sure every single generation before us thought they were the peak as well.

thanks for the explination. :rofl

we will all have hovercars in the year 2020, just like we were suppose to in the year 2000

We have not peaks. Infact, discovery of the Higgs Boson, and the study of it will usher in new technologies. Technology will take a while to develop from this discovery.

The Higgs Boson is a key component in learning why things have mass. It was basically the missing link. So from there can we then learn how to make materials with less or CRAZY, no mass.

These discoveries will change the way we think and observe the universe around us.

As I know it will come up, I am sure there will be some way to militarize it, which will destroy the universe as we know it… Maybe say, end up December?? LOL

5 to 10 year I bet we are seeing at least some benefit, with it becoming more refined and useful in 50 years. Just like the electron, when it was discovered. Thank you electricity.

So there is my almost KK length post on why I dont think we peaked based on one discovery. Not even getting into what might be discovered in space once we master Photon propulsion. Go NASA

word, cheating on your girlfriends comes to an end when this happens lolol.

OK so that ONE last “answer to everything” will be the peak?

Maybe peaked is too rash of a term. How about “the human development curve has petered off significantly”


It’s just in the last 100 years, which is a drop in the bucket for humanity as we know it, we blew up and off the charts when compared to how long it took to get to this “point”. What I am saying is, at the rate humans “got better at things” in the last 100 years by discovering so much, and mastered so many things… the rate of “getting better at things” has hit cruise control and isn’t accelerating like it has up to this point. Humans rocked out in flintstone whips way back in the stoneage, then 100 years ago we invented cars, trucks, motorcycles, planes, and boats that were dirt slow and crappy, then only 50 years or so later we “mastered” them with carbonfiber hp’s and everything uber cool in the market today. Took alllll that time to get to the point and conceptualize something then master it all in one lifetime.

I wish our grandparents could sign on to Shift and reply to this thread… THAT WOULD BE INTERESTING. They are the lucky ones to see exactly what I am talking about.

Well technically (according to sources I read, Science Journal and such) they are very sure it is the Higgs Boson but there is still a few things to confirm to be 100%. So assuming they (people way smarter than myself at CERN) prove it to in fact be the Higgs, we will then be able to explain roughly 2% of matter in the universe… LOL The numbers are mind boggling… This biggest most exciting (To some) part of this is they are hoping studying the Higgs and interaction with the W and Z Bosons will open a door into dark matter… Which is what makes up a majority of the universe, and we know nothing about it. Like the only thing we know is it is not matter as we know it…

Maybe in 100 years youngins are going to be like, remember when we thought earth was the best planet… LOLOL stupid grandparents As everyone is chilling on a resort on Titan, one of the moons of Saturn. (google the moon and how the constant changes in gravity make it warm enough to sustain life, crazyness) I honestly think we are opening pathways to the previously unimaginable. I wish I was smart enough to be involved in such study, but I will remain a loyal fanboy.

/Tangent, unless we want to keep talking because it interests the hell out of me. even though it has nothing to do with your real point.