What Happened to being a Man

I need to rant about something.

Idk if its because I’m 30 and it is true that you do become your parents but I look at all the kids these days and shake my head. I look at half the dudes in the car culture these days and really really shake my head. Wtf is up with wearing your girlfriends jeans, having legs smaller and skinnier then my for arm and having long hair.

The US is breeding sissies. If I was any foreign country I would wait 10 years and invade this place since its going to be full of fat invalids and men who look like Nicole Richie who can barely lift a lap top.

What happened to the days where playing sport was cool, where jeans didn’t look like they were spray painted on, where if you had long hair someone told you mother to get that cut before you wound up with a cock in your mouth.

Do dude not go out with their dad’s and chop wood anymore? When I was 16 I had a carpentry job and before that my parents put my ass to work in the fields and the barn stacking hay bails that were bigger than I was and close to 100lbs each. Then after that there was wood to chop stack and move. When winter was here you got a shovel stuck in your hand. On top of that if you didn’t play a sport you didn’t leave the house.

I look at all these hipsters and skater kids and i don’t even know what to say. I don’t even know what to say about their girlfriends. The girls these days are all wearing my grandfathers clothing with Peg Bundy’s pants.

Where is this country going, seems kids are either to fat to do anything or to skinny, lazy and Frail to do anything. I by no means am a juice head or even muscle bound but I can turn a wrench and put up 300 100lbs bails of hay in a bar by myself in 2 hours without dropping dead.

Has manliness been bred out of the US. Is the next underground band, the next cell phone and tucking your dick between your legs to fit your jeans on now more important than a good sweat on a hot day accomplishing something?

Am I a dying or dead breed?

you know i constantly tell my girl that after me god stopped making men. im 21 and im 1000% embarressed by my generation. if there our futurek were fucke. i hope and pry i have a son so i can start turning things around

i couldn’t agree any more. This country is full of faggots and entitled winey little cunts.

Nothing makes me angrier than fucking skinny jeans. GOD DAMNIT YOU LOOK LIKE FAGGOTS.

I have no solution but I agree with OP statements.

Did We all forget how gay the 80’s were???

wow…this topic is one ive talked about for a while. it makes me sick to think about todays youth. what is most to blame imo??..technology, computers, smartphones, and parents that are pussies. everyone wants to sue other ppl for looking at them wrong, or “picking on their kid”, or being too rough with their “feelings”. listen up parents. STOP SHELTERING YOU KIDS AND GET THEM OFF OF YOUR TIT! tough love and life lessons go a LONGGG way. life is way too convenient and easy nowadays. its just too easy for these kids. go to school, go get a job, and LEARN A DAMN TRADE! ya know why kiddos??? bc in 20 years EVERYBODY will know how to work a 'puter…but NOBODY will know how to build houses, machine precision parts, weld bridges, harvest lumber, or work on a damn car. go make a living and grind it out with physical skills. make something with your bare hands… the self accomplishment and gratification might change your life.

100% agreed i am 22 and my generation SUCKS!!! What happened to when 2 guys disagreed they beat the shit out of each other and then went and had a beer? now all people do is pull a knife or gun on you when you get into an altercation its bullshit. I cant stand these kids looking trying to look like their sisters it just makes no god damn sense!!!

The age of MEN has passed…

When parenting turned into “time-out” and disobedience has no consequence…the EMO was born.

When bullying in schools turned into a police patrolled crime…the pussy was born

When after school chores involved kick-flipping a set of stairs instead of loading the dishwasher/emptying the trash…the pussy ass EMO gaga GLEETARD was born.

I find this new breed of teenager-20 yr old more annoying than the SCUM that smoke cigarettes in the doorways of buildings.

^ if any of this is “you”…watch out, I’m coming for you (verbally).

It’s true, I’m almost 30 myself and I see nothing good.

Girls want guys that look like girls with cocks. Maybe girls should start banging trannys? No chest hair, no muscles, metrosexual as FUCK.

HOLY SHIT DID YOU JUST QUOTE KRAZYKID FROM A YEAR AGO??? The day has come that people are finally starting to be as pissed off about it as me and saying something.


I blame it on booming technologies running our lives. Technology in the last 10 years has blown up. You can download music which used to take all day, now in 2 minutes or less. Cameras used to be 1 mega pixel, and expensive, now they all went to 10+mp and are cheap as shit. Now a 8mg on a phone is standard equiptment. Chatting on dialing up and signing into the only chat thing out there, AOL, was cool, now texting, blogging, and having the ability to tell anyone you want, at any time, anywhere in the world in literally seconds is easy. Everything is just made too “convienet” around us. Then when something inconvienet like, chopping wood, is looked at like barbaric or some shit and they say “Ewwww I am not doing that”. EASY, EASY, EASY… is the key word. Humans in general strive for EASY, thats nature I guess, but accountability for actions is EASILY left behind. Kids are impressionable, and see the older parents as “too old and not cool” becasue their mom and dad dont text 10,000 messages every month, or do all the dumb shit (becasue its not a damn priority like kids think it is), so they think they are smarter, better or what ever than their parents becasue they can utilize the EASY technology that their parents dont. Not to mention they are taught in school “work smarter not harder”. So all it does is remove the need for them to have to put forth much effort at all to get something done, even if they give a shit to even try to do something in the first place. Not to mention now more so than ever before that I remember, IMAGE IS EVERYTHING. Look at the car scene, its the biggest example of it. Cookie cutter cars, all with the same over all image. Fucking 2 types of BBS wheels on a VW have been played forever and it blows my mind that people still say HOLYSHIT WOW, like its the first time they saw a stock ass VW with different suspension and wheels. Big fucking deal. Or they think they are leaps and bounds better than the next cookie cutter becasue they made a tiny change, got a few people to like it and BOOM they are the next coolest car out there and its revolutionary. Its a fucking joke to anyone who actually has the balls to stand up to a group of nutt swingers and call them out. Then instead of putting in extra effort to do something right, lets say color changing a roof on a car, the COOL thing to do is once again the easy way out, plasti dip. Instead of painting it correctly, its spray bombed with $12 of bullshit in a can that will look like shit.

kk rant over. But yeah, I hate it too.


+rep! i just took to damn long to type it out and u beat me to it!



Seriously though.


LOL! at least we are on the same page bro!

Can’t tell if all girls or not so can’t give answer as to would smash or not.


WOULD SMASH anyway. If it’s a dude that’ll teach him to dress like a faggot.

I also blame the Lottery for giving lazy motherfuckers false hope for a hand me out free life.

You should see how many state workers make it a daily habit of dumping BANK into the fucking lottery. Then ignorantly rant about not making enough money, state just takes their paycheck with taxes. I laugh and say “you dumb fucker, you just voluntarily gave some of it back right there!”


(pulled this out of the pile of looser tickets at the newstand becasue I liked the name and thought it was fitting for our thread :rofl)
