some DOD rolling shots finally (slammed cobalt ss)

car was filthy from good old cobleskill cow shit.
i thought it added character. love or hate please.
anyone else go to dubs on defrost? post em up!

Your wheels are broken?

How do you not get shot in Cobleskill for looking like a super hipster?

Car looks fuckin stupid. Good job

At least you like good beer. for that you get a +rep from me!

Car looks good to me but that just want im into.

Nice fitment. Car is a dump.

Lol! I have a hard time distinguishing hipsters from homeless people.

Car is not my cup of tea but it’s definitely unique.

Not a fan of anything you have going on there.

i like brooklyn brewery brews

Some homeless fuck stole your car.



must spread rep before giving to d.gage again

Stupid kids dressing like tools looking for attention.

IMO you ruined the car, but to each his own, if you like it good for you but please stop dressing like a homeless person, have some self-respect and dignity…geeze.

It looks like you e-braked it into a curb several times on each side

homeless people wear skinny jeans rolled up so they look like capri pants? Apparently I dont see very many homeless people


Really dig the super deep V neck shirt, and the car that gets driven and not just polished every weekend.

I didnt know homeless people chose what they wear or had a specific clothing line lol.

No guy should be rolling his fucking pants to look like capri’s. That is extremely homosexual.

You guys are brutal :lol